Rapid antimicrobial susceptibility testing for urinary Enterobacteriaceae.

URIFAST® 2 evaluates the susceptibility of urinary Enterobacteriaceae to various antibiotics. Each tray allows the testing of 2 specimens.

  • Antibiotic concentrations compliant with EUCAST* recommendations
  • Cost-effective, routine laboratory test
  • “Presto ABG®” standardization
  • High sensitivity and specificity
  • Accurate results from isolated colonies within 4-5 hours

* European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing


Reference Name Quantity
22297 URIFAST® 2 20 tests
URIFAST 2 antimicrobial susceptibility test enterobacteriacae


Intended use

Urinary tract infections are the second most important reason for consulting a family practice doctor after respiratory infections. In hospitals, urinary tract infections are the most frequent source of nosocomial infections and are difficult to treat and prevent. Most urinary tract infections are benign. However, infections may become pathological and result in complicated infections such as cystitis, chronic prostatitis, or even pyelonephritis. Diagnosis of urinary tract infections depends on a clinical and biological analysis. This includes the isolation of the germ responsible as well as the assessment of antibiotic susceptibility. The methods for determining minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) by diffusion in agar medium as well as by microdilution in liquid medium are lengthy and have proved unsuitable for routine diagnosis or emergency situations. The URIFAST® 2 kit has been designed to determine the susceptibility of Enterobacteriaceae to the most common antibiotics used in the treatment of bacterial urinary tract infections.


The determination of antimicrobial susceptibility is based upon the growth or the absence of growth of Enterobacteriaceae in the presence of 9 dehydrated antibiotic agents:

  • amoxicillin, amoxicillin + clavulanic acid, cefuroxime, cephpodoxime, ertapenem, ciprofloxacin, fosfomycin, nitrofurantoin, trimethoprim/sulphamethoxazole)
  • The antibiotics included in the URIFAST 2 tray are tested at their critical concentrations as determined by the EUCAST

The URIFAST® 2 test uses a modified liquid Muëller-Hinton medium with a redox indicator (bromothymol blue). In this method, the inoculum is standardized with the PRESTO ABG® inoculator. The URIFAST® 2 test is easy to interpret with growth visualized by a color change of an indicator. Results (MIC or breakpoints interpretation) are rapid and obtained within 4.5 hours to 6.5 hours of incubation. The test is performed using colonies which should be young (up to 24 hours old) and perfectly isolated on an agar medium in a Petri dish. The URIFAST® 2 is:

  • A rapid test with a handling time of 1 min and with results obtained within 4.5 hours.
  • An easy-to-use test:
    • no suspension medium,
    • direct inoculation of the culture from only one isolated colony
  • A convenient test with individual packaging, ready to use reagents, incubation at 35-37°C
  • A simple and clear visual colorimetric method with no instrument required, no reading apparatus

Simple protocol


Easy-to-read and easy-to-interpret results

The result is visualized by a simple spontaneous colorimetric reaction, without instrument or expert interpretation. Bacterial growth is indicated by a color change of the medium. Interpretation of the results and characterization of the strains as sensitive, intermediate or resistant to the antibiotics are described in the instruction leaflet. It is a practical and easy-to-use laboratory test, giving accurate results from one isolated colonies within 4.5 hours.

Reagents and material

Quantity Description
10 URIFAST® 2 Trays: Each tray of 2×10 wells contains 9 antibiotics and are divisible allowing the testing of two specimens.
20 M4H+: Vial of modified Müeller-Hinton medium containing bromothymol blue.
1 R4H+: Vial containing 5 mL of surfactant for use with Proteus mirabilis strains.
20 Closing system: Protective translucent plastic cover of the inoculated tray or half tray.
20 PRESTO ABG® : Inoculum standardizer.

Stability and storage

The M4H+ medium and the trays are stable at 2 to 8 °C as well as R4H+ medium at 2 – 25°C in their original packaging until the expiry date given on the kit. Should only one half of a URIFAST 2 tray be used, store the other half in its original, tightly closed packaging. This half tray is stable for 6 days at 2 – 8°C. Do not freeze the reagents in the kit.


A comparative study was carried out with the reference method with overall concordance results of 94.6%.

Material required but not provided

  • Incubator at 35 – 37 °C
  • Waste container for contaminated waste
  • Pipettes and tips (100 μL)


Manufacturer: ELITech Microbio.
Product(s) intended for healthcare professionals.
Read the instructions on the label and/or instructions for use of the product(s).


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