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Colistin – R ELITe MGB®Kit
The rapid expansion of Colistin resistance, one of the last resort antibiotics available against multidrug resistant gram-negative bacteria, is of particular concern worldwide. Rapid and reliable detection of Colistin resistance genes mcr-1 and mcr-2 with molecular methods is important to better control infections in healthcare settings. Colistin – R ELITe MGB® Kit is a real-time PCR assay for the detection of plasmidic colistin resistance genes mcr-1 and mcr-2 of Enterobacteriaceae in DNAs samples. The assay is CE IVD marked in combination with ELITe InGenius®, a fully automated sample-to-result solution.

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Conserved targets |
Easy-to-use |
Best-in class PCR technology |
Samples |
Integrated workflow |
High performance |
Eluate storage |
Minimal hands-on time |
Complete HAI menu |
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